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"A New Gap Selling Program for Individual Contributors"

B2B sellers, your struggles have been heard:

  • Commission checks are shrinking

  • Quotas are getting steeper and steeper

  • You dread the weekly pipeline meetings

  • Deals keep getting pushed out

  • Buyers are ghosting more than ever before

  • Meanwhile, you’re not getting the support you need:

  • You’re unsure of how to find your buyer’s problems in discovery

  • You’re not even sure what their “real problem” is

  • No one is coaching your calls, so you don’t know what to do differently

  • As the going gets tough, your confidence wobbles

  • It’s starting to feel like a vicious cycle

  • And because of this:

  • Your win rates aren’t what you want them to be

  • It’s taking too long to close deals

  • You’re discounting to win deals or taking a land-and-expand approach

  • You’re at risk of not meeting quota

  • Companies are not providing training, reinforcement, deal review, call coaching nor skill development. In a recent survey - upwards of 70% of sellers surveyed said that they have to ask for Coaching.
    Because of this - I am offering bespoke cohort coaching for individual contributors.

    In this intimate cohort program, you will learn the fundamentals of Gap Selling and receive ongoing, instructor-led coaching (from me!) to help you start winning more deals in less time without discounting.

    Here's what the program entails

  • Access to the Gap Selling Online Training (a self-paced, online program - about 8-9 hours in length)

  • 12 instructor-led group sessions on Zoom (one 75-minute session per week for 12 weeks)

  • Sessions include customized instruction for each seller’s unique selling environment through role plays, Problem Identification Chart completion, and call coaching (each seller gets coaching for at least 1 of their own recorded discovery calls)

  • The cohort is limited to 10 participants total (of which no more than 3 from the same company) - in order to ensure that all participants get individualized attention (while also learning from each other)

  • Upon successfully completing the program, participants receive a Gap Selling program completion badge for their LinkedIn profile.

  • Program Dates

    Quarterly - please email at [email protected] to connect with me about the next enrollment dates and times and for availability.

    Program Investment

    $2,997 total, due at the time of registration (a 2 payment plan option is available through ....................................................

    Register Now

    Not sure if this program is for you? Let's talk. Click "Book a Free Call Now" at the top of this page.

    Frequently Asked Questions

    What is Gap Selling?

    Gap Selling shifts the focus of the sale from your product to the buyer’s problem. The old-school selling approach of focusing on the features and benefits of your product meant the buyer had all the power when it came to understanding their true needs. With Gap Selling, we teach you how to find the Gap: the space between the buyer's current state and their desired future state. With this information, sellers can build a true business case for why the buyer should make a change.

    The Gap Selling methodology was created by Keenan, who authored the book by the same title and who is founder and CEO of A Sales Growth Company. I am a Certified Partner of A Sales Growth Company.

    Who is the program for?

    B2B Sellers in a quota-carrying role

    Can this methodology work for B2C?

    If you’re selling a high-ticket item that requires serious consideration from the buyer - yes, you can benefit from this program.

    Will the sessions be recorded?

    Yes, because I understand you may have to miss an occasional session. However, the real benefit is in attending the sessions live. So all participants are required to attend and participate in all sessions unless extenuating circumstances come up.

    Who is this program not for?

    Sellers who are in more transactional sales. Also, this program is not for people who aren’t willing to roll up their sleeves, do the work, be vulnerable (in a safe, confidential environment), and play full out.

    Will my company reimburse me for the program cost?

    If your company offers you a learning stipend, the answer is yes! You can submit your receipt for reimbursement from your company.

    What happens if the class fills up before I can enroll?

    Send an email to [email protected] to request to be placed on a wait list, and/or to receive information when the next class is available.

    What if I’m still not sure if this program is right for me?

    Schedule a 30-minute call with me here.

    Read what past participants of my Gap Selling training have said (anonymously):

    “Gap Selling really flipped my style of selling upside down. Moving away from a product-centric selling over to problem solving makes sense that we are no longer selling on price but rather resolving their problems"

    “What I enjoyed most about the training was the enthusiasm from the instructor on the content of the training and the stories that were told to make the content relate to everyone. It was extremely enjoyable and relatable which made it easier to absorb, embody and retain”

    “Last sales training you’ll ever need! The training opened my eyes to how to approach selling in a way that makes total sense”

    As a Certified Gap Selling Trainer, I train your team in this approach so they stand out from the competition.

    Typical results from GapSelling Training Programs are:
  • Increased closing rates (by 10-30%)

  • Decreased sales cycles

  • Increased average deal size (and no more discounting!)

  • Increased sales growth rates

  • Celeste Berke - Sales Training & Coaching

    Denver, CO 


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